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Welcome to INSEARCH 2025

10th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business and Environment

The INSEARCH 2025: 10th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business and Environment will be held on December 20-21, 2024 with the main theme ‘Governance Education Nexus for Sustainable Environment’ at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Cumilla, Bangladesh. Based on the spirit of ‘Research for Realization’ and following a planetary perspective the INSEARCH conference aims at enhancing sbetter governance in all the spheres of life on the planet. It is organized by Netinsearch International - Network for Integrative Research in collaboration with Stamford University Bangladesh, Asian Conference on Population and Development (ACPD), China, GAIN International of Australia, EquJust of Tampere University in Finland, and hosted by Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD) Cumilla, Bangladesh.

Environmental vulnerability has now become a great concern for humans throughout the world. It revolves around urging humanity to adopt responsible and sustainable practices to mitigate the imbalances that have already been inflicted upon our fragile planet. These imbalances, which encompass a spectrum of issues such as deforestation, pollution, habitat destruction, and resource depletion, now cast a long shadow over the very existence of life on Earth and the planet itself. The environment is a holistic system having two prominent and inseparable dimensions, one is natural and the other is social. Imbalances in human society have a direct and causal relationship with natural disorders. The cumulative impact of human actions has reached a critical juncture, putting the entire biosphere at risk. Imbalances in the ecosystem as well as in human society are mostly caused by improper and unjust human behaviour across the world. To face the situation concertedly, the United Nations declared in 2015 the SDGs for its member countries with the ultimate objective of peace and prosperity for people and the planet now and in the future. Without a sustainable environment, it is very difficult to have the expected outcomes from SDGs. Environmental vulnerabilities are the product of unjust human behaviour, which is shaped by education and governance systems. The proper nexus between governance and education founded on proper value premises is inevitably needed to bring fruitful change to the current situation.

The Conference is a cosmopolitan gathering of researchers, academics, experts, and practitioners from different fields. It serves as a multidisciplinary avenue for high-level interaction, discussion, and debate in a supportive, relaxed, and thoughtful atmosphere. The 10th Insearch Conference particularly focuses on community-based research and invites all concerned to submit their research papers for consideration at the conference.

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